As vital as it is to maintain physical health during this pandemic, it’s important not to overlook mental and spiritual well-being. As a company dedicated to providing high-quality CBD products that support wellness for body and mind, we are pleased to see an increasing number of consumers turning to cannabinoids (CBD) as a natural solution to the negative effects COVID 19 are causing today.

Quarantines, social distancing, nonstop news coverage, and dramatic social media posts all centered around the COVID 19 pandemic are causing issues that can undermine our heath from within such as stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. We’re often asked, “Can CBD help with my anxiety?” or “Will CBD help me to overcome insomnia?” Yes, they can! Here’s how:

Using CBD for Anxiety, Stress & Depression

Studies have shown that CBD has the potential to reduce stress by interacting with serotonin receptors in your endocannabinoid system. Since these receptors play an important role in maintaining good mental health, CBD, by regulating serotonin levels, may help to keep serious anxiety-related disorders like depression at bay. CBD acts in a similar way to anti-depressants, without the negative side effects that many pharmaceutical drugs can cause.

Insomnia and CBD

Sleep is important for pretty much everything. Our health, our mood, our brain function, you name it. But when you’re stressed out, one of the most common things to be negatively affected is sleep. Lack of sleep makes us forgetful, irritable, slows our reactions and reduces our ability to learn. It can also be the cause for gaining weight! That’s right, long-term fatigue boosts cortisol, the hormone to blame for abdominal fat storage and overeating. Plus, being tired all the time also increases the urge for sugary food when when you’re desperate for an energy boost.

According to studies, CBD may improve both sleep duration and sleep quality by creating a relaxing effect in the central nervous system. Just like it helps to decrease feelings of anxiety or stress, CBD products are perfect for combatting sleep issues.

How CBD Can Support Immunity

Protecting your health is something on everyone’s mind during this pandemic. In addition to fears of contracting coronavirus, we are exposed daily to an endless stream of viruses and bacteria, which means having a strong immune system is at the top of most people’s priority list. Both anecdotal and medical studies have found that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help support healthy immune function.

There are other issues we’ve heard people comment about that have a root in the stress of the pandemic: skin conditions, diseases such as shingles, and elevated blood pressure are a few. CBD oil products are a natural and effective way to support your body and mind, helping to decrease stress and get your body back in balance. Please note, however, if you are already taking prescription medication or have any questions about using CBD, you should consult with your doctor for guidance.