Lt. Governor Dan Patrick just referred Texas HB1365 to Health and Human Services Committee in the Texas Senate. This is excellent news as this is the most expansive medical marijuana bill that has a chance this session. Although the bill limits THC levels to 0.5%, it allows for a host of conditions including PTSD and cancer not covered by HB3703. With the public hearing for HB3703 scheduled for Friday, it is now or never for HB1365 and reasonable medical marijuana for Texas.

Send an email to Health and Human Services Committee here!

In addition to covering more conditions, HB1365 also gives the power to change allowable cannabinoid percentages (e.g. THC) to a medical board instead of state legislature. The medical board can also add to the list of treatable conditions without legislative approval. This provides activists and lobbyists a way to continually work to reform Texas medical marijuana regulations without being dependent on a legislature that meets every other year.

To make this happen, we need your help! Please contact the Health and Human Services Committee at the link here (courtesy of Texas NORML). Let the committee know that HB3703 does not cover enough Texans in desperate need of medicine. We need HB1365 to be discussed and passed on Friday. Do your part to help bring cannabis culture to Texas!

With your help, Texas can finally start catching up with the rest of the country and provide our citizens with the medical solutions they deserve. Make sure your voice is heard and our Senate passes the law that most accurately represents the opinion of the majority of Texans. The tides are slowly turning on cannabis reform in Texas. If we can get HB1365 passed this session, it increases the chances of broader expansion next session exponentially.

Contact the Texas Health and Human Services Committee here to let them know you want HB1365!

Thanks for doing your part!